

It’s always healthy





It’s always healthy

People are always asking me what I eat  during the course of the day.  I thought I would start sharing some of my go-to meals with you.  I love to eat lunch in my kitchen.  If at all possible, I will come home from wherever I am and make myself lunch. This lunch bowl is my favorite thing to have for lunch.  When I come home from the market, my rule is that I have to wash and/or cook a lot of vegetables before I put them in the fridge.  Because of that, this lunch bowl is an easy go-to meal for me china virtual office.
I vary the contents depending on what I have in the fridge at the time, but it always contains a lot of greens, some cooked veggies, nuts or seeds and fruit. I like a good variety of textures and flavors. As a rule of thumb, the largest percentage in the bowl is made up of dark greens. I always include something crunchy and something sweet. I also like something warm to play against all of the cool greens. Sometimes I’ll make a vinaigrette or sometimes I’ll just squeeze a lemon on top and drizzle a good oil over it all with a sprinkle of sea salt. It’s always healthy and it’s always delicious healthy lifestyle.
This particular bowl contained spinach and mache for the leafy greens. I also used some mustard micro greens. I buy whatever micro greens are available at the market. Micro greens have all of the nutrition of the larger variety, but they have even more concentrated nutrients. Also, they are just plain pretty. When I was in cooking school, we used them to garnish plates; now, I use them for the great nutritional punch they pack.
I almost always use something red in my salad. As a general rule, red foods help nourish the blood. Beets help calm the mind, soothe irritability and help relieve constipation. Pomegranate seeds are good if you are experiencing diarrhea and they are good for anemia Natural stone.
So, here’s how I built this bowl…



No Name Ninja